We are Ambrozia

The Food Of The Gods

The Finest Cuisines

Impeccable Taste

Frozen Foods

Frozen Foods Division

Having established ourselves as proud leader in food & beverages business in North India over the last 21 years, FOOD – it’s taste , aroma , texture & behavior is what we have learned & mastered over this period, be it the the Punjabi Tarka’s or the South Indian Spice ; be it the Oriental or the Continental!!!!

When we look head, the next step for us naturally had to be the Industrial Production of finished food.

Tryst With Bulk Frozen Food

Having multiple selling points spread over 4 states, consistency of taste & the cost effectiveness was a big challenge the Company was facing 3 years back. That is when our team of chef’s lead by our Executive Chef, Oishi Neogy, came up with the idea of bulk cooking & freezing the food. Chef Oishi, having worked in Dubai earlier before joining has had an experience in doing the same.

Having successfully executed the freezing of snacks & gravies across different cuisines & kitchens for our internal consumption purpose over the last 3 years, Company has now bought land and built a facility to start commercial production of frozen foods.

Frozen Foods Selection

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Ambrozia Caterings


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